Doctor checking your registration

If you are suitable as a donor and you pass away quickly, the doctor is obliged to check the Donor Register.


Strict rules apply concerning the disclosure of your personal information. Only doctors and specific staff members from the hospital can check your registration and this can only be done when you die.
Your information is safe in the Register, according to dutch privacy legislation.

Talking to your family

When the doctor knows your choice, he or she will inform your partner or family.

Familymembers are for instance your parents, children, brothers or sisters. Your family or partner can ask the doctor any questions they may have about organ and tissue donation.

When is the doctor not able to see your registration?

There are 4 reasons when the doctor cannot see your registration:

  1. If you haven’t filled in a choice and your registration ‘No objections to organ donation’ is not in the register yet.
  2. If you haven’t filled in a choice because you are younger than 18 years old. Then you don’t have to fill in a choice yet.
  3.  If your registration has been removed from the Donor Register.This will happen after you have moved abroad and have unsubscribed from your dutch municipality.
  4. If your choice has been blocked in the system. This could happen if you have changed your choice via a paper form. Then your old choice is not in the Register anymore and your new choice has not been registered yet.